Saturday, July 30, 2016

Acts clergy Karina, companion on death row in Nusakambangan

INDONESIA - Karina, clergy which has helped a number of inmates at the Correctional Institution (prisons) Nusakambangan, Central Java, recounted her experiences during 14 years of service on the island of Nusakambangan.

Although not a blood relation with death row inmates, Rina, her nickname, feel have had a special bond to all inmates at the Penitentiary in Nusakambangan. Rina told while serving in Nusakambangan, many inmates who confide in him about executions they will face.

Acts clergy Karina, companion on death row in Nusakambangan
Many of them told me, becoming a prisoner to be executed is a very heavy burden. Especially for prisoners who have the status of 'death row' for a dozen years.
"They call me Mommy, 'Mom if we're honest, there is no fear that exceeds our fear and no grief that exceeded our grief" They have the mental burden," said Rina in Funeral Home St Carolus, Central Jakarta, Friday ( 07.29.2016)

Rina explained if not all inmates accepted by his family. Many also of those discarded by their families.

Various reasons they convey, said Rina, it could be for reasons of embarrassment or other factors. However, some inmates also were deliberately not told her family about a case that happened to them.

"Many say that they are again abroad. In essence, they do not want to burden the family," said Rina.

Rina explained, for prisoners who have been sentenced to death, during incarceration, she rarely saw a sense of desperation in their eyes. Most of them are still struggling to survive, despite knowing death would have approached them.

Acts clergy Karina, companion on death row in Nusakambangan

For example Seck Ousmane, stateless inmates Nigeria was executed on Friday morning for possession of narcotics cases. Rina said, Ousmane still demonstrate a desire to stay alive.

During 14 years as a spiritual companion, Rina said, never once 'harassed' by inmates. All inmates appreciate her. That is why she is very fond of inmates who he refers to as her "kids".

According to Rina, "For 14 years of service, they're like my children, I love them and they love me. For 14 years I was there; prisons, which says people are all criminals there she said there are a drug kingpin, killers, and a rapist. But not once in my life there, I was abused,"

Rina considers that assistance to prisoners is not a job for him, but he called it, as a "Service".

Nusa Kambangan (also known as Nusakambangan, Kambangan island, or the island of Nusa Kambangan). The island lies in the Indian Ocean, separated by a narrow strait from the south coast of Java funds; The closest port is Cilacap in Central Java.

Dubbed by one international journalist "Alcatraz of Indonesia", the island is famous for a maximum-security prison, home to murderers, terrorists, drug dealers, and those convicted of high-level corruption cases. It is sometimes known as Execution island because the island is the main place to carry out the death penalty around Java.

Thus the news of Indonesia with the title 'Acts clergy Karina, companion on death row in Nusakambangan'. Quoted from with the original title, ‘Kisah Karina, Rohaniwan yang Dampingi Terpidana Mati Saat di Nusakambangan’.
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